Spiritual Book For Caregivers

IMG_0018I am writing a spiritual book for caregivers. Here’s a glimpse.

“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

“Divine Providence does not regard that which is brief and transient, and comes to an end with a person’s life in the world; rather, it regards that which remains forever and so does not come to an end.”
“Secrets of Heaven,” Emanuel Swedenborg

Butterflies live a very short time. Oh, except for the monarch, whose third generation travels back from Canada to Mexico for the winter, lays eggs in Texas on the milkweed in the spring, so the cycle can continue.

I see people with dementia traveling to the next realm already. I spoke with a woman whose mother had Alzheimer’s, who would have periods of resistance to bathing, dressing, eating. Then, later, she apologized to her daughter for her struggles. The daughter perceived that her mom was connecting with her son and twin sister who had passed away, and was not wanting to stay in this world anymore. When this daughter realized this, she could be part of the letting go and supporting her mom’s readiness to depart to the next life. She did, and she did.

Take care, and stay in touch,

Tryn Rose Seley,

Author, 15 Minutes of Fame: One Photo Does Wonders To Bring You Both Back to Solid Ground at www.caregiverheart.com


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About Tryn Rose

I want to lighten the step of those on the journey with Alzheimer's. From a decade of caregiving, and a lifetime of appreciating the human experience, the strategies I learned helped me, and I hope they will help you. I'm a musician, photographer, gardener, and author of "Extraordinary Days".
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