Start Small

Start small, start collecting:


song lyrics

poetry collections

spiritual resources

homemade or published works

powerpoint slide shows

YouTube links

Having these resources available at all times will make it easier to do any part of your day together.

“I keep a photo or story nearby and a song on my lips at all times of the day to add focus or to distract a person from perceived difficulties. The flow keeps moving forward at any time of the day during the morning routine of shower, dressing, preparing for breakfast, after breakfast, in the bathroom, while sitting out on the patio, while preparing a meal… It keeps us both entertained, connected, and builds trust during all kinds of tender and personal circumstances.”IMG_8366

~p, 26, “15 Minutes of Fame: One Photo Does Wonders To Bring You Both Back to Solid Ground”



Take care, and stay in touch,

Tryn Rose Seley,

Author, 15 Minutes of Fame: One Photo Does Wonders To Bring You Both Back to Solid Ground at

[email protected]

Purchase PDF version of 15 Minutes of Fame

For those of you who prefer Amazon Kindle versions, Click Here.

For those of you who prefer Nook versions, Click Here.

Request printed copies at [email protected]

About Tryn Rose

I want to lighten the step of those on the journey with Alzheimer's. From a decade of caregiving, and a lifetime of appreciating the human experience, the strategies I learned helped me, and I hope they will help you. I'm a musician, photographer, gardener, and author of "Extraordinary Days".
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